Climate Change, Trends, Rainfall, Temperature, Sudan SavannaAbstract
This research explored the dynamics of rainfall and temperature patterns in the context of climate change within the Sudan savanna ecological zone of Katsina State, Nigeria. The study analyzed rainfall and temperature data spanning 60 years (1961-2020). Linear regression, standard deviation, and second-order polynomial curve fitting were used to determine the trend of the climate data. Cramer’s test was used to determine the decadal rainfall and temperature trend. The study period was further subdivided into two non-overlapping climatic subperiods (1961-1990 and 1991-2020), and the students’ t-test (td) was used to determine the relative contribution of the two subperiods to the rainfall and temperature features of the study area. The trend analysis results revealed increased rainfall and temperature in recent years. The Cramer’s and t-test findings indicated a significant rise in monthly and annual rainfall and temperature over the last three decades, underscoring clear evidence of climate change in the study area. These changes highlight the substantial ecological alterations driven by rising global temperatures, threatening the survival of the human race. The study emphasized that awareness programmes on recent changes in temperature and rainfall should be enhanced; greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere that have warming effect should be reduced; and government policies related to agriculture, water resources, and other related sectors should take into account the increasing nature of temperature and rainfall amount in recent years.
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