Fluvial processes,, Watershed,, Geomorphology,, Channel,, EnvironmentsAbstract
This paper reviews fluvial geomorphology perspectives and methodologies for environmental sustainability by exploring and discussing major concepts, themes, and methodologies. To meet the multidimensional aspect of fluvial geomorphology research, multidimensional approaches are now used. Fluvial geomorphology examines river channel morphology and how it is shaped by fluid flows interacting with erodible or resistant boundaries. Understanding equilibrium conditions and thresholds is key. A systems perspective is needed - any river segment is influenced by upstream and downstream conditions as part of an integrated drainage basin system. Field surveys, mapping, remote sensing, and GIS provide important morphological data on river planform, cross-sections, longitudinal profile features, sediment characteristics, etc. Statistical analysis helps detect spatial patterns and trends. Assessing channel changes over long periods is often necessary to fully understand contemporary fluvial processes and forms. Sediment storage and release causes significant time lags. Major human impacts include land use changes affecting hydrology, sediment budgets, channel boundaries; and infrastructure interrupting continuity. Sustainable management requires addressing root causes. Watershed level processes like water balances, erosion patterns, etc. strongly influence fluvial systems - coordinating river channel and upland catchment interventions is key. Models like SWAT, MIKE-SHE, and ANSWERS simulate hydrological processes but have limitations. They require robust spatial datasets spanning geology, topography, land use, climate, etc. Overall, a multidimensional, scale-conscious, historically contextualized assessment framework is required for evaluating fluvial systems. The review highlights techniques and datasets for such integrated diagnosis.
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