Arable Crops, Climate Change, Farmers, Coping, Adaptation StrategiesAbstract
This study assessed the coping and adaptation strategies employed by arable farmers to cope with the adverse effects of climate change in northwestern Nigeria. Thirty (30) farmers from the four local government areas who were 40 years old and above and had 20 years of farming experience were sampled. A total of 120 respondents were used for the study. The data were subjected to descriptive statistics and presented in tables using percentages. The results revealed that the farmers employed various coping and adaptation strategies. These include crop residue, chemical weed control, use of fertiliser, use of cattle manure, first weeding and second weeding, among others. The significant strategies included using adapted, organic matter and fertiliser, hiring labour for farming, using irrigation, first weeding and second wedding. Conclusively, the agricultural adaptation strategies to climate change in northwestern Nigeria vary owing to the uneven spread of environmental and socio-economic resources. While some of these strategies are age-long practices, their adoption is further reinforced by intensifying ecological stressors. The study recommended that there is a need for the four local farmers' communities to partner with multilateral and international agencies to build the capacities of farmers in relevant areas to strengthen the farmers` ability to develop and implement adaptation strategies and plans that would reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate changes. Some of these areas include providing financial resources that will increase their ability to adopt crop, water, and soil management strategies in response to the impacts of climate change.
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