Informal,, changes,, Cadastral attributes,, Layouts,Abstract
In Nigeria, the Land Use Act requires that the cadastral attributes of ownership, size, and use by beneficiaries of statutory land allocation be changed only after obtaining the government's consent. It was observed that this requirement is violated in some residential layouts in Bauchi town. This paper sought the reasons why this is so. Data were collected from a low and medium-density layout where the changes were observed. A purposive sample of seventy-three respondents was interviewed using a designed template. Responses of the respondents were transcribed and coded into themes using the Nvivo 10 Software. The themes were summarised in percentages and the content was described. The reasons for the informal changes to the cadastral attributes of the layouts were found to be difficulty in accessing formal land (97.26%), ignorance of formal regulations (86.30%), and weak development control (84.93%). It is suggested that the government should catalyze the creation of layouts, scale up public enlightenment on policy requirements, and improve the efficiency of land agencies through capacity building and decentralization.
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